
Viktor Frankl (1905-1997) inspired many people through his lectures, his scientific work and especially with his books touching the profound topic of the meaning in life / the purpose of life.
  • The Viktor Frankl Book club wants to encourage the readers of his books to organize book clubs in different cities worldwide.
  • Starting a book club is easy in the era of the internet: You can do it by starting a group on Facebook, Meetup.com or on other social networks.

If you have done that already please post the URL to this new group as a comment below this text (comments will be reviewed before being published).

... starting in Austria

This website has been started by some Austrians - Austria was the homeland of Viktor Frankl, even though he spent much time during his scientific work in other countries.

  • So the first Viktor Frankl Book Club starts here in Austria.

If you live in Austria, you can join our FACEBOOK GROUP, that was started by scholars of the Viktor Frankl Center in Vienna:


Newsletter Viktor Frankl Forum Newsgroup at Google Groups

If you want to find new contacts worldwide to discuss quotes of Viktor Frankl or News about Logotherapy you can join the "Viktor Frankl Newsgroup at Google Groups:

https://groups.google.com/g/viktor-frankl/about .